Thursday, July 7, 2011

Prince William and Kate Middleton enjoy cooking class overseas tour

Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, Kate MiddletonDavid Rose / PA via AP imagesWill & Kate Take California blog tile

It would make us a corny joke about a recipe for love, but that seems too easy.

Prince William and Kate middleton spent day three of his Canadian tour to participate in a workshop of Saturday kitchen. What exactly was the real menu?

Read more: Prince William and Kate Middleton planting a tree of love in Canada

Wills and Kate, equipped in the custom chef whites, visited the Institut de tourisme et d'hotellerie du Québec in Montreal to learn some classic cooking techniques. The Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge had prepared a soufflé, they learned how to sear a filet of lamb and some meringue by departments. Yum!

The newlyweds are in the midst of their first joint tour of overseas. Go ahead for the duo: a demonstration of search and rescue in Summerside Harbour on the island of Prince Edward, where Prince William can show their abilities of flight and a tour of the University of Calgary.

It will be occupied, but don't worry, we can be sure to keep track of your calendar of Canada-hopping.

WATCH: Royal couple attend Canadian event

View the original article here


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